The Correct Meanings of the Āgamas: Exploring the Origin of the Consciousness-Only Doctrine (7 vol.)
An Exposition on the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra (10 vol.)
A Discourse on the Śūraṅgama Sūtra (15 vol.)
A Discourse on the Vimalakīrti Sūtra (6 vol.)
Mastering the Essence of the Diamond Sūtra (9 vol.)
The Secret Meanings of the Heart Sūtra
Perfect Harmony Between Chan and Pure Land
Chan: Before and After Enlightenment
The True Versus the False Enlightenment
The Undeniable Existence of the Tathāgatagarbha
Mastering and Skillfully Articulating the Essence of Buddhist Enlightenment: The Way to Buddhahood
Wrong Views Versus the Buddha Dharma
The Seventh and Eighth Mental Consciousnesses?
The Supra-Consciousness that Transcends Time and Space
Behind the Façade of Secret Mantra (4 vol.)